Monday, July 20, 2009

One by One opposition is crumbling.

Police say concealed-carry law would deter criminals

Posted Jul 18, 2009 @ 05:47 PM

PEORIA — Talk of bringing concealed-carry legislation to Illinois gives many residents a fear of the unknown.

Several local police chiefs and other personnel said putting fear into the minds of criminals on the streets is also one of the best arguments for allowing concealed carry.

"If you're not sure if a guy has a gun, you may not try to do some things to him that you might otherwise try to get away with," said Peoria police Officer Troy Skaggs, president of the Peoria Police Benevolent Union. "It's the fear of the unknown."

Illinois and Wisconsin are the only two states without some type of concealed-carry law.

In February, the Illinois Sheriffs' Association passed a resolution supporting a concealed-carry law in Illinois, with several conditions in place.

Then in May, Peoria Mayor Jim Ardis expressed public support for Peoria becoming a test city for statewide legislation that would allow people to carry guns in a responsible way.

During a recent 10-week stint at the FBI's National Academy, which brought 250 worldwide law-enforcement executives to Quantico, Va., Peoria Police Chief Steven Settingsgaard said, "Everyone I spoke to was in favor of concealed carry."

On July 9, the village of Bartonville and its police department passed a resolution in support of the ISA's recommendation for legalized concealed-carry accompanied by stringent regulation of the process.

"We're supporting the sheriff's association with mandated regulations if the Legislature decides to enact concealed- carry in the state," Bartonville Police Chief Brian Fengel said. "They're already out on the streets. The gangbangers already have guns. This would allow law-abiding citizens to have them with mandatory training and background checks."

Bartonville's resolution outlines provisions, including:

- Permits being issued by a statewide agency to ensure consistency in evaluation and screening.

- Proper instruction, gun safety and range training, demonstrated ability to fire accurately and safely and required requalification annually.

- Applications processed by sheriff's departments, including the ability to articulate why a permit is being denied.

- Clear identification indicating if a person is allowed to carry in public.

Others proposing concealed-carry also mention the need to evaluate factors such as criminal and mental health histories before issuing permits to carry a gun.

"We want to show our legislators we're in support of it, and we sent the resolution to the Senate and House and the people who represent us in state government," Fengel said of the resolution. "If the city of Chicago doesn't want it, then the rest of the state could do it."

Because of Chicago's longtime opposition to concealed carry, many believe creating such legislation is a long shot.

Peoria-area police chiefs mention the idea of Peoria, the county or the Tri-County Area becoming a test ground for possible future statewide legislation.

"I'm very much in favor of concealed carry," Settingsgaard said. "I believe it's to Peoria's benefit and Illinois' benefit.

"Ideally, it would be the whole state. But if all we carve out is a piece of central Illinois, I think we should do it."

One possible problem with having concealed-carry in just one city or one area of the state is the potential for spill-over into nearby communities. Someone legally carrying a gun could, for example, cross over into Peoria Heights without realizing it.

"It's a concern of mine, because we're landlocked by Peoria," Peoria Heights Police Chief Dustin Sutton said. "A lot of people who go through the Heights don't even realize they're in the Heights. There aren't distinctive boundaries. We get a lot of Peoria traffic, and most of those people don't know where the boundaries are."

Even when the boundaries are clearer, such as crossing the Illinois River, "I would imagine there would be some lapses," East Peoria Police Chief Ed Papis said.

Concealed-carry opponents point to instances of breakdowns in which unqualified or unstable people attain the right to carry a gun, and proponents cite statistics showing reductions in certain types of crimes in the years after approving concealed-carry legislation.

"I don't fear the average, law-abiding citizen wanting to apply for a permit," Settingsgaard said. "I fear guns in the hands of criminals and felons.

"The bottom line is, if somebody is considering breaking into a home or robbing a gas station or attacking someone on the street, if they think they might not survive that confrontation, a lot of people are going to think twice."

Sutton said he supports concealed-carry with the proper safeguards in place, but he worries about loopholes or becoming lax as years go by.

"If it's in place for a couple of years and then it becomes relaxed, it could be a nightmare," Sutton said. "Sometimes, over time, you start to loosen your grip on something. When you're talking about a firearm, there's no room for error."

For many who oppose concealed-carry, one of the biggest fears is seeing their state become the Wild West.

"To me, the best statistic is 48 states have passed a law and no one has repealed it," Settingsgaard said. "There are 48 examples of states that have not become the Wild West."

Papis scoffs at the notion that concealed-carry would flood the streets with additional guns.

"Rest assured, there are plenty of weapons out there - mostly in the hands of people who shouldn't have them or aren't licensed to have them," he said.

Skaggs said Peoria's police union hasn't taken a vote to form an official stance, but from talking with other officers he believes most are in favor of concealed carry.

Papis said he would expect a well-run concealed-carry system to create a reduction in crimes against individuals.

"In my 34 years of law enforcement, there have been many, many instances that I knew if the victim would have had a weapon to defend themselves, the outcome would have been quite different," he said.

Ryan Ori can be reached at 686-3264

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