Wednesday, July 1, 2009

More dumb ass legislation

Utah Concealed Weapons Permits No Longer Recognized in Nevada

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Effective Wednesday, July 1, the State of Nevada will no longer recognize concealed weapon permits from Utah. Nevada, on the other hand, has added Ohio and West Virginia as recognized states.

Every year in May, the Nevada Department of Public Safety (NDPS) conducts an audit of all states and their current concealed weapon statutes for the purpose of determining which states' permits will be recognized in Nevada.

Subsequently, NDPS provides a recommendation to the Nevada Sheriffs and Police Chiefs Association (NSPCA) for final determination as provided in Nevada state law. According to Nevada law, any changes take effect on July 1.

The recognition of Utah permits is being dropped this year because Utah state law does not mandate live-fire range training as a part of its course requirement for the issuance of a Utah permit. Nevada law requires that, in order for other states' permits to be recognized in Nevada, those states' permit issuance standards must be "substantially similar" to Nevada's standards.

Since Nevada law specifically provides for a live-fire component as a part of the training requirement, NDPS and the NSPCA both agreed that the recognition of Utah permits should be rescinded. NRA staff met with representatives of both NDPS and NSPCA in recent weeks and was told by both entities that the initial approval for Utah permits to be recognized in Nevada was erroneous and based on the misinterpretation that Utah law required live-fire as a part of the training requirement.

The Nevada Department of Public Safety and the Nevada Sheriffs and Police Chiefs Association will be hosting their annual CCW forum in Carson City in late August. This event is open to the public and we encourage all members who have questions or concerns about the change to attend this informational meeting. Details will be forthcoming once the date and time is announced.

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